Effective immediately, all residential households must put food scraps and food-soiled paper, along with yard waste, in their green bin for composting. We’re offering free food waste kitchen pails to our customers. Click here for more information and to schedule a time to pick up your pail.

Our 24-hour Customer Care Center is always open to answer your questions. Call 1-800-773-2489.!

OrganicsLA is a curbside organics recycling program from the City of Los Angeles, mandated by Senate Bill 1383, a statewide mandate aimed at keeping organic waste out of landfills and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Effective immediately, residents serviced by LASAN are required to place food scraps and food-soiled paper, along with yard waste, in their green bin. The City of Los Angeles will pick up the green bin weekly and the collection day will remain the same. The green waste will be processed to create compost to be used by farmers.